Diane Danzebrink: Breaking Point & What Happened Next + podcast link
Hormone change and deficiency can have a devastating effect. Data from the Samaritans says the suicide rate in women, globally, is between ages 45 and 54.
Hi, how are you? What a tumultuous few weeks we’ve had. I hope you’re finding some peace and stability in the midst of it all?
So, October has landed and there’s lots going on: Sober October, Black History month, Breast Cancer Awareness month, Menopause Awareness month and much more - do you remember when it just used to just be Harvest Festival? We are staying with the menopause theme again this year as I still find myself inundated with questions and conversations around this topic, as we continue to navigate through all the new information available.
Diane Danzebrink, campaigner, psychotherapist and menopause expert, joined me in the wardrobe two years ago to talk about the signs and symptoms of menopause. What we didn’t hear about was her experience of it, which was brought on by surgery for a hysterectomy after discovering she had ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adenomyosis and a huge fibroid. So severe were the psychological effects that it almost resulted in Diane ending her life, she tells the whole story in this episode:
Her website is www.menopausesupport.co.uk where you can find out about the work she does, and get in touch if you want to join a support group or book a one on one. Please also sign the Change.org petition below (please do because it’s getting very close to the all-important 200k)
There are extensive resources available on her website, and she also records a podcast called The Good The Bad and The Downright Sweaty
Other menopause related episodes here on the podcast are:
78 Knowing and Navigating the Symptoms of menopause with Diane Danzebrink
79 Beyond the Bleed with psychologist Dr Becky Quicke
91 How to approach your GP with Sharon Hartmann
92 Food mood and hormones with Emma Ellice Flint
93 Testosterone is not just for boys, with another great campaigner Dr Zoe Hodson
So do click on any of the links to access those as they are packed with great info. Also, feel free to come and join our Facebook group. Finally, if you’d like to subscribe so that you receive the podcast into your inbox, then please do here:
You can also upgrade to supporting with £4 per month by clicking the same button. If you do that, you will also receive access to the unedited video conversation (coming out on Thursday this week)
It’s just one day!
Finally, just a quick reminder - Menopause itself is one day. It’s one year after your last period, however, it takes approximately 10 years of hormone change to get to that point, and it’s those years that we refer to when we say perimenopause. A LOT happens in that time – far from hot flushes!! Estrogen receptors are scattered throughout our bodies and so when our estrogen levels drop, it can affect us dramatically – the list of symptoms is long!
Remember, everyone's journey will be different. Please do not suffer in silence, there are many support groups and a wealth of information available. Reach out and connect, please don't hold back.
Love first,
Pipa x